Mari-Lynne Infantino


March 2023

It feels like the rains will never end. Even though I know how much California needs relief from our drought status, I have to admit that I am so ready for some sunshine. I had hoped to be planting a spring garden by now, kicking back amongs the vibrant orange chair cushions, and enjoying the hummingbirds. But just because the weather is not cooperating, shouldn’t mean being sad. I stood outside with my cup of coffee this morning watching the birds hopping among the still bare branches, my pups, Nola and Nellie chasing the ever-present squirrels, and listened to the corinthian bells windchime play glorious songs. I didn’t stay outside too long, it was cold!

 My third manuscript, The Bird Tattoo Murders is complete. I have begun the process of searching for an agent and traditional literary agency with a prayer on my lips and crossed fingers. It is such fun moving forward. There are new characters to enjoy, a murder to solve, and hopefully, the beginning of a new series to write.  

 Bringing characters to life is the best part of writing a story. My head is full of conversations and expression and discovery. It is 75% joy and 25% work, or vice versa.   The overall story dances in my brain, the plot builds and soon each character comes to life with a name and a reason for being. While I keep a loose outline, every chapter is a surprise of some sort.  I remember that wonderful, might I even say delicious? line in Fannie Flagg’s book Fried Green Tomatos at the Whistlestop Cafe.  The secret’s in the sauce.

 BUT as much as I love character building, I do have to admit to a love-hate relationship when it comes to research.  When I decided to write a murder mystery, I thought SNAP! I can do this, only to get bogged down in the details. Clearly there is so much for me to always learn and that’s why I found this book took me just a bit longer as I remind myself “wait a minute girl – you’re not off the hook yet.”  As in all things, I want my readers to know I did my homework.  Fun note: My new story includes several canines who play an important role in this story. I just know you’re going to love them as much as I do.

Have a wonderful Spring season when it gets here!

 I do appreciate all of you.   ML


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Reading Time

I’m not good at marketing myself. I know that will come in time. But for now, I have more fun writing posts on Facebook or Instagram, or attaching silly videos like this one. ENJOY

The bird tattoo murders

The bird tattoo murders

We had to evacuate. The early morning sky was a blanket of smoke, choking me each time I stepped outside. Adjusting the mask once more across my face, I dragged the suitcases to the car, sweating at the exertion, ash landing everywhere on my body. I felt smudged and sticky, though I had taken a shower only an hour ago.